The past 2 weeks of Yoga Teacher Training have been very awesome. We hiked to the second highest peak of Shoushan
Monkey Mountain, meditated amongst a maze of tree trunks, roots and branches, each student taught an hour and a half class - which included us
taking 12 classes over 3 days, and today was the culmination with our RYT 200
Yoga House Institute Graduation and party.
Monkey Mountain |
Monkey Mountain |
Enjoying the view |
It is difficult to imagine that 10 weeks, that's 200 hours of Yoga Training spread over 10 weekends, has come to an end. I feel that the Teacher Training has given me a purpose to being in Taiwan. I have met some truly wonderful, inspiring and knowledgeable people who have enhanced my experience in ways I only know. To be around such positive, kind-hearted souls, weekend after weekend, meant as much to myself as the Course.
I don't care what people say -
tree huggers, vegis, hare krishnas, hippies, whatever. Who can possibly say that feeling and being healthy, happy, energised and strong is bad? Take it in. Try it. What do you have to lose?
Today's class, the last one of the course, was amazing. First, a student taught the class a variety of poses, calling from each of the groups - core, balance, twists, forward bends and backward bends. My flexibility and balance was challenged, even though I am mush stronger than I was at the beginning. Yoga is a continual practice with improvements being able to be made during every practice.
Secondly, another student-teacher taught an emotion filled class. She has recently learned that her father will be passing away in the USA in a few days time, while she is here in Taiwan. She was fortunate to be able to visit him last week and share with him some Ujjayi Pranyama. Her lesson was centered on opening the heart, spreading peace, love and compassion - and accepting them as well. Her poses called for strength and opening of the heart, connected to the breath.
Lastly, a very spiritual student-teacher taught the class heart opening chakras. We attempted to engage our Kundalini often referred to as the dormant serpent at the sacrum. We visualised different images as our chakras were engaged, seen and opened. Restorative postures ensured we remained relaxed and calm.
After a delicious pot-luck it was paparazzi time.
Yoga House Graduates and Friends |
We then moved on to the emotional Graduation. Candles were lit amongst bright hibiscus bringing calmness and light to our ceremony. We were issued with a framed, signed and stamped certificate - the first of many for many of us, I am certain. Then came the emotionally awakening part of the ceremony. Chanting has been a part of our practice. It is a form of meditation - something to concentrate on and visualise. However, this chanting was different. We sang to each other
All I ask of you is forever to remember me, by loving you. Oh, Kylie we love you, oh Kylie we love you. How powerful. How beautiful. How amazing.
Michael and Sucharita |
I hope it is not the last time I will see my classmates from Yoga House. With so many experiences shared, it would be a shame to let friendships fall away. Through the natural course of life, I am sure some friendships will cease. However, I know that what I have gained will remain. For me and for them.